ACMUR Burkina was born in 2002 out of the desire to set up a project organisation dedicated to the structuring, development and sustainability of the street arts in West Africa.
The collective gathers artists from various disciplines: theater, dance, music, circus, equestrian arts, stilts, puppetry, story-telling, visual arts and scenography. Since the beginning, they have placed artistic and technical training, creation and dissemination for the public space, high on their agenda, within a dynamic of professionalisation and artistic demand. Besides the work carried out in Burkina Faso, ACMUR aims at setting up exchanges, collaborative approaches and joint projects across West Africa.
Since February 2010, the annual flagship events of the collective are:
- The Festival “Rendez-Vous Chez Nous” – which is free and taking place “beyond the walls” –
- The organization of the International Streets Arts Day
Artistic director: Kagambega Boniface