Articles, news, interviews, conversations, podcasts, critics… Exchanges on topics related to public space between artists, the civil society and cultural operators. Keeping the dialogue with European cultural policy makers and the cultural and creative sector in general, this section explores how art can have an impact on society, and vice versa.
[FR] Tentative d’épuisement du corps d’une femme citoyenne de cinquante ans. by Fabienne Queméneur
[EN] An Attempt at Exhausting the Body of a Fifty-Year-Old Female Citizen. by Fabienne Queméneur
[EN] A citizen's feedback on an IN SITU Artist's performance
A feedback on experience!
Marius Grønning, Associated Citizen, Norway
Locating Art and Artistic Performance
Marc el Samrani interviews Michael Silverstone and Abigail Browde on their iconic project