

Articles, news, interviews, conversations, podcasts, critics… Exchanges on topics related to public space between artists, the civil society and cultural operators. Keeping the dialogue with European cultural policy makers and the cultural and creative sector in general, this section explores how art can have an impact on society, and vice versa.

Le recto et le verso de la ville


[FR] Tentative d’épuisement du corps d’une femme citoyenne de cinquante ans. by Fabienne Queméneur

Récit d'une exploration milanaise orchestrée par l'artiste DOM-Rédigé par Fabienne Quéméneur, co-pilote et méta-foreuse de l'ANPU, Agence Nationale de Psychanalyse Urbaine et cultivatrice de l'Art bâtisseur Au bout du plongeoir, Fabrique d'art et de rencontre.

The Front and the Back End of Town


[EN] An Attempt at Exhausting the Body of a Fifty-Year-Old Female Citizen. by Fabienne Queméneur

Story of a Milanese exploration orchestrated by the artist DOM-By Fabienne Quéméneur, co-pilot of the ANPU, the Agence Nationale de Psychanalyse Urbaine (National Agency for Urban Psychoanalysis) and cultivator of the Au Bout du Plongeoir association, an art and meeting place, with its ethos of “l’Art Bâtisseur” (Building Art)

Marc El Samrani shares his experience of 'An Assembly'


[EN] A citizen's feedback on an IN SITU Artist's performance

As part of the (UN)COMMON SPACES project, associate citizen of Lieux publics, Marc El Samrani looks back on his experience of An Assembly, a participatory work proposed by 600 HIGHWAYMEN, during the duo's visit to Rouen, France.

Letters from the Associate Citizen Stijn Philippe about Johannes Bellinkx's performances in Amsterdam


A feedback on experience!

(UN)COMMON SPACES from a "citizen" point of view


Marius Grønning, Associated Citizen, Norway

Spatial Consciousness


Locating Art and Artistic Performance

by Andy Merrifield

An Assembly: in conversation with 600 HIGHWAYMEN


Marc el Samrani interviews Michael Silverstone and Abigail Browde on their iconic project